鴨川館別邸 ラ・松廬 (Kamogawa La Shoro) レビュー Review  



1. 鴨川館別邸ラ・松廬の概要



2. 口コミサイトでの声を調べてみました

  • 「都心と近く癒しの宿でした。接客も丁寧で話す時はずっと笑顔で、食事は口コミ通りあまり期待してなかったが、宿のレベルとしては少し残念でした。でもこの宿で過ごしたのは幸せだったのでリピートありですね。」
  • 「プライベート空間と部屋のお風呂がとても良いです。アメニティも充実しており、部屋からほとんど出ずに過ごすことができます。」
  • 「1年に1回泊まりにきたいと思えるほど、とても良いお宿でした。バトラーの方がいてくださるのも安心感があって大変よかったです。」
  • 「プライベートプールが最高です。2回目の宿泊でしたが、前回と違った雰囲気で楽しめました。プールや温泉に入る都度、水分補給するのであっという間に無くなってしまう。」
  • 「本当に素晴らしい経験をさせていただきました!家族がプールに行きたいと言うので、プールありきでお宿を選んだのですが、本当に圧巻の一言です。」
  • 「プライベートヴィラに宿泊しました。温泉旅館のスイートルームといった感じで寛げました。平屋一棟建て、114平米のゲストルーム、プールをコの字型に囲むように配置したレイアウトでした。」
  • 「プライベートプールやお部屋の広さ、浴室などの設えにご満足いただけたこと、大変嬉しく存じます。」
  • 「プールや露天風呂を備えた100平米上のヴィラで贅沢ステイ。松林を通り抜ける潮風が心地よい、その贅沢極まる大人の佇まいは、あなたの感性をどこまでも高めるはずです。」
  • 「プライベートプールは他では得難い施設なので、また来ます。」

3. 一言でいうとどうだった?

  • 点数サマリー
    • 記憶に残る非日常感:4点(5点満点)
    • アクティビティ充実度:5点(5点満点)
    • 温泉・お風呂:5点(5点満点)
    • 設備充実度:5点(5点満点)
    • 食事:4点(5点満点)
    • 総合点:4.55点(5点満点)
  • コメント
    • 正直安くありません。結構気合い入れて泊まる形になります。本当はゴールデンタイムじゃなくて、時期をずらした(6月とか7月前半とか?)時に行けると最高だと思います。
    • 体験としては、本当にトップクラスです。1泊だけしかしませんでしたが、本当に家族全員、プールと温泉を楽しんだこと、そして近くの海で遊んだこと、全ていいイメージをもって一生多分覚えていると思います。


4. 記憶に残る非日常感(評価4)





5. アクティビティ充実度(評価5)


  • 海: 非日常感にも書きましたが、太平洋が目の前なので海は見るだけでもきれいだし、海に入ったら子どもも大喜び。
  • 鴨川シーワールド: 超有名な鴨川シーワールドがすぐ近くにあります(当然歩いて行けます)。これ目当てで遠くから鴨川まで来ている人も多いので、水族館好きの人は是非楽しんでください!
  • 温泉: こちらは高級温泉ホテルの鴨川館の別邸で、別邸ラ・松廬宿泊者のみが通れる秘密の扉でつながっています。鴨川館の温泉施設、プールも全部利用できます。
  • 観光: 時期を選んで、果物狩りや車で少し移動してマザー牧場も楽しめます。
  • プライベートプール: プライベートプールがあるので、アクティビティーは最高点です。

6. 温泉・お風呂(評価5)

  • 鴨川館の温泉: 温泉のお風呂の種類が多数あり、丁寧に森のように作られた空間の中での露天風呂というのも心が落ち着きます。夜中も入っていられるので、人が少ない時間帯を狙って夜の11時頃に行ったらほぼ一人で独占!こんな贅沢無いです。最高です。
  • 別邸ラ・松廬の露天風呂: 気が向いたら手を洗う位の感覚ですっと入れる露天風呂が部屋にあります。朝起きて入って、朝ごはん食べて入って、プールで遊んで入って、ちょっとTV見て温泉入って、と本当に自由に入れます。お風呂の体験としては文句のつけようがありません。

7. 設備充実度(評価5)


8. 食事(評価4)





In English

1. Overview of Kamogawa-kan Bettei La Shoro

Address: 1179 Nishimachi, Kamogawa City, Chiba Prefecture


Website: Official Site

2. Reviews from Review Sites

  • “It was a relaxing inn close to the city center. The service was polite and always with a smile. The food wasn’t as expected based on the reviews, which was a bit disappointing for the level of the inn. However, I was happy with my stay and would consider returning.”
  • “The private space and the bath in the room are very nice. The amenities are well-equipped, and you can spend most of your time without leaving the room.”
  • “It was such a good inn that I want to stay once a year. Having a butler was reassuring and very nice.”
  • “The private pool is excellent. This was my second stay, and I enjoyed a different atmosphere from the last time. The water supply runs out quickly as you hydrate every time you enter the pool or hot spring.”
  • “It was truly a wonderful experience! My family wanted to go to the pool, so we chose this inn for its pool, and it was truly breathtaking.”
  • “We stayed in a private villa. It felt like a suite room in a hot spring inn, very relaxing. It was a single-story building with a 114 square meter guest room, arranged in a U-shape around the pool.”
  • “We are very pleased that you were satisfied with the private pool, the spacious room, and the bathroom facilities.”
  • “A luxurious stay in a villa over 100 square meters with a pool and an open-air bath. The sea breeze passing through the pine forest is pleasant, and the luxurious adult atmosphere will enhance your senses.”
  • “The private pool is a facility that is hard to find elsewhere, so we will come again.”

3. In a Word, How Was It?

Score Summary

  • Memorable Extraordinary Experience: 4 points (out of 5)
  • Activity Fulfillment: 5 points (out of 5)
  • Hot Springs/Bath: 5 points (out of 5)
  • Facility Fulfillment: 5 points (out of 5)
  • Food: 4 points (out of 5)
  • Overall: 4.55 points (out of 5)


Honestly, it’s more expensive than other hotels nearby. So it would be best to visit during off-peak times (like June or early July). Staying Kamogawa-kan La Shoro with private pool and hot spring bath will be memorable experience.

As an experience, it’s truly top-class. We only stayed for one night, but my family enjoyed the pool and hot spring, and playing at the nearby beach. We will ,no doubt, remember this forever.

I stayed in this room, booked through Ikkyu.

4. Memorable Extraordinary Experience

It leaves an overwhelming impression. I think I’ll never forget. First, it’s close to beach and sea! Choosing good timing is important, but I’ve been to Kamogawa many times during Golden Week (early May). It’s a bit cold, but maybe due to global warming, you can play at the beach. It’s more like playing at the water’s edge rather than swimming.

Next, extraordinary feeling of this hotel itself. There are probably very few places in Japan where each room is independent, with a sufficiently large private pool and an open-air bath attached to the room. I highly recommend it!!

The sea is also quite beautiful.

5. Activities

Kamogawa Sea World is famous for its killer whales, but there are many other attractions.


However, it gets very crowded, so be careful!

Sea: As mentioned in the extraordinary experience, the Pacific Ocean is right in front of you, so just looking at the sea is beautiful, and children will be delighted if they enter the sea.

Kamogawa Sea World: The famous Kamogawa Sea World is very close (within walking distance). Many people come to Kamogawa just for this experience, so if you like aquariums, you should definitely enjoy it!

Hot Springs: This is the annex of the high-class hot spring hotel Kamogawa-kan, connected by a secret door that only guests of La Shoro can use. You can use all the hot spring facilities and pools of Kamogawa-kan.

Sightseeing: Depending on the season, you can enjoy fruit picking or visit Mother Farm with a short drive.

Private Pool: With a private pool, the activities get the highest score.

6. Hot Springs/Bath

Kamogawa-kan’s Hot Springs: There are many types of hot spring baths, and the open-air bath in a carefully crafted forest-like space is very calming. You can enter even at midnight, so if you aim for a time when there are fewer people, like around 11 PM, you can almost have it all to yourself! It’s the best luxury. It’s amazing.

Bettei La Shoro’s Open-Air Bath: There is an open-air bath in the room that you can enter as easily as washing your hands. You can enter in the morning, after breakfast, after playing in the pool, after watching TV, and so on. The bath experience is flawless.

7. Facility

It’s very well-maintained. In a place with so much nature, I thought dirt and insects would be a concern, but it was really well-kept and perfect. Also, when you stay at Bettei La Shoro, you get a dedicated staff member, and the special lounge is very well-guided and polite. The lounge itself offers unique, health-conscious soups that are so delicious I drank several cups. Haha.

8. Food

The photos should convey how delicious it looks, so I won’t go into details! As expected of Kamogawa, the seafood is really luxurious and delicious! Abalone, sashimi platter, shrimp. Fresh and elegantly seasoned, you can thoroughly enjoy it. Moreover, you can have a private meal (apparently, if you stay as a couple, you can have room service), so you can enjoy it without worrying.

For breakfast, we chose room service. We had a luxurious time nibbling on breakfast while swimming in the pool and soaking in the bath. Of course, breakfast was delicious too (it’s delicious, but the fun is probably the breakfast buffet. Here, it depends on how much you want to use the pool and hot spring before checkout and how much you want to relax in the room. I think if you stay in this room, you would want room service).

If you want to stay at Kamogawa-kan, you can book from here.

