1. 鴨川グランドホテルの概要
- 住所: 千葉県鴨川市広場820
HP: 公式サイト
2. 口コミサイトでの声を調べてみました
- 都心から近く、癒しの宿でした。接客も丁寧で、話す時はずっと笑顔でした。食事は口コミ通りあまり期待していなかったが、宿のレベルとしては少し残念でした。でもこの宿で過ごしたのは幸せだったのでリピートありですね
- プライベート空間と部屋のお風呂がとても良いです。アメニティも充実しており、部屋からほとんど出ずに過ごすことができます
- 1年に1回泊まりにきたいと思えるほど、とても良いお宿でした。バトラーの方がいてくださるのも安心感があって大変よかったです
- 露天風呂がとても開放感があり、気持ちがいいです!朝焼けや夕焼けもとてもきれい。食事はバイキングなのにどれも美味しいですし、品揃えが豊富です。また宿泊したいです
- 部屋が広く、部屋からは海がすぐ下に見えて最高でした。お風呂もゆったりできる広さで露天風呂もあり、波の音を聴きながら最高です
- 建物は歴史を感じましたが、格が高いホテルの存在感はそのままで感動を覚えまし。
- カニフェアが開催されており、カニ料理がたくさんあって満足のいく旅行となりました。温泉も外の露天は海のさざなみを聞きながら、静かにゆっくり温かいお風呂に入ることができて幸せでした。
- 夕、朝食共に豪華なビュッフェ!今まで経験したことない品数と贅沢なお料理満載2。
- 食事がおいしく、種類も多かった。バイキングだったが、空いたお皿の下膳にもう少し気配りがほしかった。
- 専用の階限定でウェルカムドリンクの会場があり、とても良かったです。またお世話になりたいと思います
3. 一言でいうとどうだった?
- 点数サマリー
- 記憶に残る非日常感:4点(5点満点)
- アクティビティ充実度:4点(5点満点)
- 温泉・お風呂:5点(5点満点)
- 設備充実度:4点(5点満点)
- 食事:4点(5点満点)
- 総合点:4.1点(5点満点)
- コメント
- 鴨川館のラ松露の前日にこちらに宿泊。鴨川豪華2連泊にしました。こちらはプライベートビーチは無いものの、温泉については温泉から海が見える感じはここならではの体験で、こちらに軍配が上がります。
- ビュッフェもあり、日本の天皇家もいらっしゃったことがあるホテル。最高峰の一角で、こちらのホテルも本当に楽しめました。
- 温泉にはスーパー銭湯に行きなれている私の息子にも大好評。食事もおいしく、ビュッフェ形式。近くの海で遊べたし、皆さんに自信を持ってお勧めできるホテルです!
- 鴨川グランドホテルの予約、はこちら
4. 記憶に残る非日常感(評価4)
5. アクティビティ充実度
- 海: 太平洋が目の前で↑こんな感じでとってもきれいなので、海を見るだけでもきれいですし、海に入ったら子どもも大喜び。
- 鴨川シーワールド: 超有名な鴨川シーワールドがすぐ近くにあります。水族館好きの人はぜひ楽しんでください!
- 温泉: 素晴らしい温泉施設があります。普通にスーパー銭湯として評価しても高得点間違いなしです!
- プール: 私が行った時期(5月頭)はまだオープンしていませんでしたが、夏はプールもオープンするそうです。
- 観光: 時期を選んで、果物狩りや車で少し移動してマザー牧場も楽しめます。
6. 温泉・お風呂
7. 設備充実度
8. 食事
In English
1. Overview of Kamogawa Grand Hotel
- Address: 820 Hiroba, Kamogawa City, Chiba Prefecture
- HP: Official Website
2. Reviews from Review Sites
- “Close to the city and a relaxing inn. The service was polite and always with a smile. The food was not as expected based on the reviews, but the stay was enjoyable, so I would consider coming back.”
- “The private space and the bath in the room were very nice. The amenities were also well-stocked, allowing us to spend most of our time in the room.”
- “It was such a good inn that I would like to stay once a year. Having a butler was reassuring and very nice.”
- “The open-air bath was very spacious and comfortable! The sunrise and sunset were beautiful. The buffet food was delicious and had a wide variety. I would like to stay again.”
- “The room was spacious, and the view of the sea right below was amazing. The bath was also spacious, with an open-air bath where you could hear the sound of the waves, which was fantastic.”
- “The building had a historical feel, but the presence of a high-class hotel was still there, which was impressive.”
- “The crab fair was held, and there were many crab dishes, making it a satisfying trip. The open-air bath outside allowed us to hear the sound of the sea waves while soaking in the warm bath, which was very relaxing.”
- “Both dinner and breakfast were luxurious buffets! The variety and quality of the dishes were unlike anything I had experienced before.”
- “The food was delicious and had a wide variety. Although it was a buffet, I wished there was more attention to clearing the empty plates.”
- “There was a welcome drink area exclusive to certain floors, which was very nice. I would like to stay again.”
3. In a Word, How Was It?
- Score Summary
- Memorable Unusual Experience: 4 points (out of 5)
- Activity Options: 4 points (out of 5)
- Hot Springs/Bath: 5 points (out of 5)
- Facilities: 4 points (out of 5)
- Food: 4 points (out of 5)
- Overall Score: 4.1 points (out of 5)
- Comment Stayed here the night before staying at Kamogawa-kan La Shoro. I had a luxurious two-night stay in Kamogawa. Although there is no private pool, the view of the sea from the hot springs is a unique experience here. This hotel has hosted the Japanese Imperial Family. It is one of the top hotels, and we truly enjoyed our stay here. My son, who is used to going to super sento (public baths), also loved the hot springs. The food was delicious, served in a buffet style. We played at the nearby sea, and I can confidently recommend this hotel to everyone!
Book Kamogawa Grand Hotel here
4. Memorable Unusual Experience (Rating: 4)
Personally, the sight from reclining bath and multiple open-air baths while looking at the sea is etched in my memory. By chance, I saw a crow washing itself in a pool formed by the overflowing warm water from the hot spring, which was very heartwarming. I wonder if crows also enjoy hot springs.
5. Activity Options
- Sea: The Pacific Ocean is right in front, and just looking at the sea is beautiful. Children will be delighted to play in the sea.
- Kamogawa Sea World: The famous Kamogawa Sea World is very close by. If you love aquariums, you should definitely enjoy it!
- Hot Springs: There are wonderful hot spring facilities. Even if evaluated as a super sento, it would score highly!
- Pool: When I visited (early May), the pool was not open yet, but it seems to open in the summer.
- Sightseeing: Depending on the season, you can enjoy fruit picking or visit Mother Farm with a short drive.
6. Hot Springs/Bath
There are many types of hot spring baths, the scenery is wonderful, and of course, the cleanliness is excellent! My son fell asleep for about 20 minutes in the reclining bath. That’s how comfortable the bath is.
7. Facilities
Everything is well-maintained and clean.
8. Food
We had the dinner buffet. The view from the buffet hall is stunning, with a full view of the sea. At night, there are lights. There is plenty of seafood, and it’s rare to have unlimited sashimi and sushi at a buffet! The beef and desserts are also well-prepared, making it a first-class buffet. The breakfast buffet was also delicious.