東京TOP20 Review 11位 おふろの王様 花小金井店(Hanakoganei Ofuro-no-Ousama)

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おふろの王様 花小金井店(11位)の概要

住所: 東京都小平市花小金井南町2-6-3


ウェブサイト: 公式HP https://www.ousama2603.com/hanakoganei/




  • おふろの王様 花小金井店は、施設が広くて清潔感もあり、リラックスできる時間を過ごせました。特に露天風呂のあつ湯がとても気に入りました!周囲の自然と調和した空間がとても心地よかったです。
  • 岩盤浴が充実しており、ゆったり過ごせるスペースが気に入りました。温泉の香りも豊かで、肌がすべすべになったように感じました。今度は平日も利用して、もっとゆっくりしたいです。
  • スーパー銭湯としての設備が整っていて、まるでリゾートのような気分になれました。寝ころび湯のようなユニークなお風呂もあって、どの湯船に入るか迷ってしまいました。スタッフの対応もとても親切で、気持ちよく過ごせました。
  • 週末に行きましたが、温泉がとてもリラックスできて、疲れが取れました。駐車場が広く、車でアクセスしやすかったのも良かったです。食事も軽食として十分満足できるものでした。
  • 湯船の種類が豊富で、家族全員で楽しめる場所です。子供連れでも安心して利用できる施設が整っており、長時間過ごしても飽きませんでした。清潔感があり、施設内もとても快適です。
  • まるで温泉宿に来たかのような落ち着いた空間で、日常の喧騒を忘れられました。寝ころび湯でリラックスしていると、時間が経つのを忘れてしまうほどでした。今後は友達や家族と一緒に訪れたいと思います。
  • 花小金井にこんなに素晴らしい温泉施設があるなんて驚きました。お風呂はもちろん、岩盤浴エリアやリクライニングスペースも充実していて、どんな時間帯に行ってもリラックスできました。


  • 平日
    • 大人(12歳以上):1,000円
    • 子供(3歳~11歳):500円
    • 岩盤浴:500円(別途料金)
  • 土日祝日
    • 大人(12歳以上):1,200円
    • 子供(3歳~11歳):600円
    • 岩盤浴:500円(別途料金)
    • 料金は変更の可能性がありますので、最新情報は公式HPをご確認ください。



日帰り温泉としての非日常感: 4点(5点中)

おふろの王様 花小金井店は、温泉に浸かって日常の疲れを癒すためのにいい場所といえます。施設全体は広々としていて、ゆったりとした空間が広がっています。スーパー銭湯としては非常に作り込まれているので、都会の中で非日常を感じることができます。とはいえ、周囲には大自然が広がっているわけではありませんので感動!というほど非日常感は感じませんでした。


温泉の質: 4点(5点中)

おふろの王様 花小金井店の温泉は、しっかり温泉感を感じられました。温泉特有の香りがしっかりしているのと、色もしっかりあります。

お風呂の楽しさ: 4点(5点中)

おふろの王様 花小金井店では、さまざまな種類のお風呂を楽しむことができます。以下のようなお風呂があり、リラックスできること間違いなしです。

  1. 露天風呂
  2. あつ湯
  3. ジェットバス
  4. ツボ湯
  5. 寝ころび湯
  6. ぬる湯
  7. サウナ
  8. 岩盤浴

設備充実度: 4点(5点中)


食事: 3点(5点中)



総合評価: 3.95点/5点

おふろの王様 花小金井店は、温泉の質、お風呂の楽しさ、設備の充実度など、全体的に非常に高い評価を受ける温泉施設です。温泉自体の香りや温度が素晴らしく、リラックスできる環境が整っています。唯一、寝ころび湯が非常に混雑していたため試せなかったのが少し残念でしたが、他のお風呂や施設で十分に楽しめました。施設内の広さと清潔感も高評価で、特に岩盤浴や漫画コーナーが快適でした。


Hanakoganei Ofuro-no-Ousama (Rank 11th)


Address: 2-6-3 Hanakoganei Minami-cho, Kodaira City, Tokyo

Website: URL



Reviews from Review Sites:

  • Hanakoganei Ofuro-no-Ousama is spacious, clean, and provides a relaxing time. I especially loved the outdoor hot bath with hot spring! The natural surroundings created a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere.
  • The stone sauna area was well-equipped, and I enjoyed the relaxing space. The aroma of the hot spring was rich, and my skin felt smooth. Next time, I plan to visit on weekdays to relax even more.
  • The facilities for a super sento are well-organized, and it felt like being at a resort. With unique baths like the reclining bath, I found myself undecided on which one to try next. The staff was also very friendly, which made my experience even more enjoyable.
  • I visited on the weekend, and the hot springs were incredibly relaxing, easing my fatigue. The large parking lot made it easy to access by car, which was a plus. The light meals were also satisfying for a quick snack.
  • With a wide variety of baths, it’s a great place for the whole family to enjoy. The facilities are well-equipped to be family-friendly, and I never got bored even after spending a long time there. The space was clean, and the whole facility was very comfortable.
  • The tranquil atmosphere of the place made me forget the hustle and bustle of daily life, almost as if I were staying at a hot spring inn. I lost track of time while relaxing in the reclining bath. I definitely plan to visit again with friends or family.
  • I was amazed that such a wonderful hot spring facility exists in Hanakoganei. The baths, stone sauna area, and reclining spaces were well-equipped, and no matter what time of day I visited, I was able to relax.


  • Weekdays:
    • Adults (12 years and older): ¥1,000
    • Children (3-11 years old): ¥500
    • Stone sauna: ¥500 (additional charge)
  • Weekends and Holidays:
    • Adults (12 years and older): ¥1,200
    • Children (3-11 years old): ¥600
    • Stone sauna: ¥500 (additional charge)

Review of the Visit

Relaxing Atmosphere:  4 points (out of 5)

Hanakoganei Ofuro-no-Ousama is a great place to relax and relieve everyday fatigue by soaking in the hot springs. The facility is spacious, offering plenty of room to unwind. As a super sento, it’s very well-designed, and it’s a place where you can feel like you’re stepping into a different world, even within the city. However, there isn’t a vast natural wilderness surrounding it, so while it’s relaxing, it doesn’t feel like an extreme escape from daily life.


Quality of the Hot Spring: 4 points (out of 5)

The hot springs at Hanakoganei Ofuro-no-Ousama provide a genuine hot spring experience. The characteristic scent of the spring is strong, and the water has a rich color.

Various Baths Experiences: 4 points (out of 5)

At Hanakoganei Ofuro-no-Ousama, you can enjoy a variety of baths. There is no doubt that you will find the perfect bath to relax in:

Stone Sauna:
A place to sweat while lying on warm stones, relaxing while increasing your body temperature and improving circulation.

Outdoor Bath:
Soak in the hot water while enjoying the natural surroundings. This outdoor bath is a popular spot where you can relax while feeling the pleasant breeze.

Hot Bath:
The hot bath provides an intense heat to warm your body. It’s the ideal place to relieve fatigue.

Jet Bath:
A jet bath that provides a massaging effect, helping to ease tension in your body while warming you up.

Acupressure Bath:
This bath targets specific acupressure points, allowing you to relax while stimulating certain areas of your body for improved wellness.

Reclining Bath:
Relax and unwind while lying down in the reclining bath. It’s perfect for relieving fatigue and relaxing your muscles.

Warm Bath:
A gentler bath with slightly cooler water, allowing you to soak for a longer time. It’s gentle on the body and perfect for unwinding.

A sauna where you can sweat it out and promote detoxification for your body.


Facility : 4 points (out of 5)

As expected from the Ofuro-no-Ousama chain, the facility is spacious and kept very clean. The stone sauna area is particularly comfortable, and there’s a manga corner, so you won’t get bored even if you stay for a long time. There are also plenty of reclining spaces, and many places where you can relax and enjoy a peaceful time. The overall space is large, and no matter where you are, you’ll feel at ease.

Food: 3 points (out of 5)

I ordered mainly light snacks, with options like garlic rice, French fries, and takoyaki. While the taste isn’t particularly remarkable, it’s perfect for a quick bite after enjoying the bath. The garlic rice had a wonderful aroma and was a great choice after the hot spring.


Overall Rating: 3.95 points (out of 5)

Hanakoganei Ofuro-no-Ousama is an excellent hot spring facility that receives high ratings across the board for the quality of its hot springs, the variety of baths, and the facilities available. The scent and temperature of the hot springs are excellent, and the relaxing environment is well-maintained. The only downside was that the sleeping bath was very crowded, so I couldn’t experience it, but I was able to enjoy other baths and facilities. The spaciousness and cleanliness of the facility were also highly praised, especially the stone sauna and manga corner.

Overall, it’s a fantastic place to unwind and relax, and I would definitely want to visit again to relieve the fatigue of daily life. While I couldn’t find a standout feature like “this is the place to visit in Hanakoganei,” it was still a very satisfying experience.

