Tokyo Hotspring Tourist-Friendly Facilities for Sightseeing/Attractions 東京の観光客向け温泉・スーパー銭湯施設


Why I Will Introduce Super Sento/Hotspring in Tokyo for Tourists

Year by year, the number of foreign tourists visiting Japan has been increasing. In 2010, approximately 8.6 million people visited Japan, while in 2024, this number is expected to reach over 31 million. Tokyo remains the most popular destination for international travelers due to its blend of traditional culture and modern attractions.

Why Do Tourists Visit Tokyo?

In 2024, the primary reasons for visiting Tokyo include:

  • Experiencing Japanese culture and history
  • Visiting famous sightseeing spots such as Shibuya, Asakusa, and Shinjuku
  • Enjoying Japanese cuisine (sushi, ramen, tempura, and izakaya culture)
  • Shopping in areas like Ginza, Harajuku, and Akihabara
  • Exploring Japanese entertainment (anime, manga, theme parks)
  • Relaxing in traditional hot springs
  • Experiencing unique Japanese hospitality through ryokan stays and tea ceremonies
  • Attending seasonal festivals like cherry blossom viewing (hanami) and summer fireworks festivals

Hot springs (onsen) and sento baths are an essential part of Japanese traditional culture. They have existed for centuries and are deeply rooted in daily life.

History of Sento in Japan

Public baths (sento) have a long history in Japan, dating back to the Edo period (1603–1868). These baths were created to serve those who did not have access to private bathing facilities. Over time, sento became a cultural hub where people gathered, socialized, and relaxed. While traditional sento remains popular, modern super sento and hot spring facilities now offer a more luxurious experience, catering to both locals and tourists.

Sento bathing culture was influenced by Buddhist traditions of purification and has played an essential role in Japanese daily life. Many historical sento were built with artistic tilework and wooden interiors, preserving the charm of old Japan. Today, while many small sento are closing due to declining local demand, larger super sento and modernized onsen are thriving, attracting visitors from around the world.

Most traditional sento are local-focused, meaning they do not typically accommodate non-Japanese speakers. However, in recent years, new hot spring facilities have opened that are more foreigner-friendly, making it easier for visitors to experience Japan’s bathing culture.

Before Visiting a Super Sento, Please Be Aware of the Following:

  1. Tattoos Are Prohibited
    • In Japan, many(almost all) hot springs and pools do not allow guests with tattoos.
    • Few facilities allow tattoos if they are covered with a special tattoo cover seal. Check each facility’s policy before visiting.
  2. Key Points for First-Time Visitors
    • Follow proper etiquette: wash your body before entering the bath.
    • Keep noise levels down to respect other bathers.
    • Avoid using phones or cameras inside the bathing areas.
    • Bring or rent towels and toiletries if the facility does not provide them.
    • Some hot springs require full nudity; swimsuits are not allowed.
    • Be mindful of different temperature pools; some may be extremely hot.
    • Hydrate well before and after using onsen to avoid dehydration.


Ranking: Best Hot Spring and Super Sento in Tokyo for Tourists

1. Best: Spa Izumi Haneda Airport

  • My Comments: Very clean and new. Expensive but not crowded. Easy access to Haneda Airport (maybe eating meals not in Spa Izumi would be better as there are restaurants at 1F)
  • Overview: This is a premium natural hot spring located near Haneda Airport, making it convenient for travelers.
  • Price: 4,800 yen per adult, 2,000 yen per child
  • Location: Haneda Airport Terminal 3, Tokyo
  • Good Reviews: Highly rated for its modern facilities, cleanliness, and accessibility.
  • Comments: A great choice for those who want to relax before or after a flight. The location inside the airport makes it a unique experience.
  • Additional Features: Sauna, open-air baths, and relaxation areas perfect for long layovers.
ONSEN | [Official Website] Villa Fontaine by Sumitomo Realty & Development|Directly connected to the International Terminal at Haneda Airport / Hotel Villa Fontaine Grand
For a hotel in Tokyo with replete services and facilities, look no further than Villa Fontaine by Sumitomo Realty & Deve...

2. Second: LaQua (Tokyo Dome City Spa)

  • My Comments: Large facilities. Good hotspring experience. Close to Tokyo Dome which is Japanese most popular baseball team “Giants” home ground.
  • Overview: A stylish and modern onsen located in Tokyo Dome City, offering various baths, open-air baths, and spa treatments.
  • Price: 4,000 yen per adult (depend on dates)
  • Location: Bunkyo, Tokyo (near Suidobashi Station)
  • Good Reviews: Famous for its high-quality thermal water and luxurious ambiance.
  • Comments: A perfect choice for those exploring central Tokyo and looking for a relaxing retreat.
  • Additional Features: Offers unique carbonated baths and aromatherapy spa treatments.

3. Third: Spa Izumi Ariake Garden

  • My Comments: Large and modern & clean. Good hotspring experience. Close to Haneda and Odaiba (or Ginza).
  • Overview: A newly built onsen complex offering spacious baths, saunas, and relaxation lounges.
  • Price: 3,800 yen per adult
  • Location: Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo
  • Good Reviews: Well-rated for its clean and modern design, as well as its variety of hot spring pools.
  • Comments: A good spot for those visiting Odaiba or Tokyo Big Sight.
  • Additional Features: Family-friendly options and a beautiful outdoor bath.

4. Fourth: Somei Onsen SAKURA

  • My Comments: Very Japanese traditional and modern and clean facility, with very good hotspring. Not tourists target but local citizens are core target, but I can say dinner/lunch is much better than other TOP3 facilities.
  • Overview: A hidden gem featuring natural hot spring water sourced from underground.
  • Location: Toshima, Tokyo (near Sugamo Station)
  • Good Reviews: Loved for its authentic onsen atmosphere and quiet environment.
  • Comments: A more traditional experience compared to other tourist-friendly locations.


Tokyo offers several hot spring and super sento facilities that are welcoming to tourists. While traditional sento may be difficult for non-Japanese speakers, many modern onsen have become more accommodating to foreigners. Whether you are looking for a luxurious airport spa or an authentic hidden gem, there are great options available. Be sure to check tattoo policies and proper etiquette before visiting to fully enjoy Japan’s unique bathing culture.





  • 日本の文化や歴史を体験する
  • 渋谷、浅草、新宿などの有名観光地を訪れる
  • 寿司、ラーメン、天ぷら、居酒屋文化などの日本食を楽しむ
  • 銀座、原宿、秋葉原などでショッピングを楽しむ
  • アニメ、漫画、テーマパークなどの日本のエンターテイメントを満喫する
  • 伝統的な温泉や銭湯でリラックスする
  • 旅館での宿泊や茶道体験を通じて、日本特有のおもてなしを体感する
  • 花見や夏の花火大会など、季節ごとの祭りに参加する







1. タトゥーは基本的に禁止

  • 日本ではタトゥーはヤクザ(日本のマフィア)と関連付けられることが多く、多くの温泉やプールではタトゥーのある人の入浴を禁止しています。
  • 一部の施設では、タトゥー隠しシールを使用すれば入浴が許可される場合もあります。訪れる前に各施設のポリシーを確認しましょう。
  • 最近では、観光客向けに小さなタトゥーや隠せるタトゥーを許可する施設も増えてきています。

2. 初めての人向けのマナーと注意点

  • 浴槽に入る前に体をしっかり洗うこと
  • 他の入浴客への配慮として、大声で話さない
  • 浴場内での携帯電話やカメラの使用は禁止
  • タオルやアメニティが必要な場合は、持参するかレンタルする
  • ほとんどの温泉では水着着用禁止(全裸入浴)
  • 浴槽の温度は場所によって異なるため、熱すぎる湯には注意
  • 脱水症状を防ぐため、入浴前後にしっかり水分補給をする


1. 泉天空の湯羽田空港温

  • コメント: 非常に清潔で新しい施設。料金は高めだが混雑しにくい。羽田空港からのアクセスが良い(食事は1階のレストランで済ませるのがおすすめ)。
  • 概要: 羽田空港近くにある高級天然温泉で、旅行者に便利。
  • 価格: 大人4,800円、子供2,000円
  • 場所: 東京・羽田空港第3ターミナル内
  • 高評価ポイント: 施設が新しく清潔、アクセス抜群。
  • コメント: 空港内にあるため、飛行機の前後でのリラックスに最適。
  • 追加設備: サウナ、露天風呂、長時間滞在向けのリラクゼーションエリアあり。

2. LaQua(東京ドームシティスパ)

  • コメント: 施設が広く、温泉体験としては十分楽しめる。東京ドームが近く、野球観戦とセットで楽しめる。
  • 概要: 東京ドームシティにあるモダンな温泉施設。
  • 価格: 大人4,000円(時期による)
  • 場所: 東京・文京区(水道橋駅近く)
  • 高評価ポイント: 高品質な温泉とラグジュアリーな雰囲気。
  • コメント: 巨大な施設でリラックスできる。東京ドームの近くで、試合観戦の前後に最適。
  • 追加設備: 炭酸泉、アロマスパ

3. 泉天空の湯有明ガーデン

  • コメント: 施設が新しく清潔。お台場や銀座方面にもアクセスしやすく、観光の合間に立ち寄れる。
  • 概要: 広々とした浴槽やサウナ、リラクゼーションラウンジが完備された新しい温泉施設。
  • 価格: 大人3,800円
  • 場所: 東京・江東区有明
  • 高評価ポイント: 新しく清潔、多様な温泉を楽しめる。
  • コメント: 羽田空港やお台場、銀座へのアクセスも良く、観光の合間に最適。
  • 追加設備: 家族向け設備、露天風呂

4. 染井温泉 SAKURA

  • コメント: 日本的な伝統とモダンな清潔感を兼ね備えた温泉。観光客向けではなく地元客が中心だが、食事のクオリティは他のトップ3施設よりも優れている。
  • 概要: 地下から汲み上げた天然温泉を楽しめる隠れ家的な施設。
  • 価格: 大人1,320円、子供750円
  • 場所: 東京・豊島区(巣鴨駅近く)
  • 高評価ポイント: 静かで落ち着いた雰囲気。
  • コメント: 地元向けの温泉だが、食事の質は他の施設よりも高い。
  • 追加設備: 季節ごとの露天風呂



