東京TOP20 Review 10位 武蔵小山温泉清水湯(Shimizu-yu Musashi Koayam Onsen)



住所: 東京都品川区小山3-9-1


ウェブサイト: https://www.ousama2603.com/hanakoganei/




  • 「黒湯がとにかく濃く、肌にしっとりと染み込む感じがすごい。入った瞬間に温泉の成分を感じられるのが嬉しい。リラックス効果も抜群で、長く浸かっていたくなる温泉です。」
  • 「黄金湯が思っていた以上に良かった。鉄分を含んでいるせいか、体がポカポカ温まり、湯冷めしにくいのが魅力。東京でこれほど本格的な温泉が楽しめるとは思わなかった。」
  • 「住宅街の中に突如現れる温泉施設。外観は普通の銭湯に見えるが、中に入ると驚くほどしっかりとした天然温泉が湧いている。都心で気軽に本格温泉を楽しめるのはありがたい。」
  • 「休日は混み合うことが多く、浴槽が小さいので少し窮屈に感じることも。それでも泉質が素晴らしいので、多少の混雑は許容範囲。できれば平日にゆっくり訪れたい。」
  • 「施設自体は少し古さを感じるが、清掃が行き届いていて清潔感がある。温泉の質がとても良いので、施設の見た目よりも温泉重視の人にはピッタリな場所。」
  • 「黒湯のトロトロした質感が最高。肌がスベスベになる感じがあり、温泉好きにはたまらない。しっかりと成分が濃いのが分かるので、何度も通いたくなる。」
  • 「露天風呂は少し狭めだが、開放感はある。ただ、人気のためかすぐにいっぱいになってしまうことが多いので、長時間のんびり浸かるのは難しい。」
  • 「料金がリーズナブルなのに、本格的な温泉が楽しめるのが嬉しい。スーパー銭湯に行くよりもコスパが良いと感じる。都心からもアクセスが良いので、気軽に行けるのが魅力。」
  • 「スーパー銭湯とは違い、純粋に温泉を楽しむための場所。派手な設備はないが、温泉そのものをしっかり堪能できるので、落ち着いた雰囲気が好きな人にはおすすめ。」
  • 「サウナもあるが、そこまで広くはないので温泉メインで楽しむのが正解。温泉の質がとにかく良いので、サウナ後の水風呂との組み合わせも最高。」


  • 大 人   550円
  • 中学生   450円
  • 子 供   200円




日帰り温泉としての非日常感: 2点(5点中)


温泉の質: 5点(5点中)




黄金湯: 含鉄泉で、血行促進や疲労回復に優れた効能を持つ。都内では非常に珍しい泉質。

黒湯: 地下200mから湧き出るモール泉で、ナトリウムを多く含み、保湿・美肌効果が高い。

お風呂の楽しさ: 2点(5点中)



  • 内風呂(黒湯)
  • 露天風呂(黄金湯)
  • 水風呂
  • サウナ



設備充実度: 2点(5点中)



食事: 1点(5点中)


総合評価: 2.85点/5点



おすすめポイント: ✅ 都内で本格的な温泉を楽しめる ✅ 黒湯と黄金湯の2種類の泉質が素晴らしい ✅ アクセスが良く、日帰り温泉として利用しやすい

気になる点: ⚠ 浴槽が小さく、混雑しやすい ⚠ 施設がやや古め ⚠ 食事処がないため、食事は外で済ませる必要がある

Overview of Musashi-Koyama Onsen Shimizu-yu (Ranked 10th)


Address: 3-9-1 Koyama, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Website: URL



Reviews from Review Sites:

  • “The black hot spring is incredibly rich, and you can feel it absorbing into your skin. The moment you step in, you can sense the minerals in the water. The relaxation effect is outstanding, making you want to stay immersed for a long time.”
  • The golden hot spring exceeded my expectations. The iron-rich water warms your body thoroughly and helps retain heat, making it difficult to feel chilled afterward. I never expected to find such an authentic hot spring in Tokyo!”
  • “A hot spring facility that suddenly appears in the middle of a residential area. From the outside, it looks like an ordinary public bath, but inside, there’s a surprisingly authentic natural hot spring. It’s great to have easy access to a genuine onsen in the city.”
  • “It gets quite crowded on weekends, and since the bathtubs are small, it can feel a bit cramped. Still, the quality of the hot spring is excellent, so a little congestion is acceptable. If possible, I’d prefer to visit on a weekday for a more relaxed experience.”
  • “The facility itself feels a bit old, but it is well-maintained and clean. The high-quality hot spring makes it a perfect place for those who prioritize the onsen experience over the appearance of the facility.”
  • “The thick, silky texture of the black hot spring water is amazing. It makes my skin feel incredibly smooth—an absolute delight for onsen lovers! You can really tell that the water is packed with minerals, making me want to visit again and again.”
  • “The open-air bath is a bit small but still gives a sense of openness. However, due to its popularity, it often gets crowded quickly, making it hard to soak in for a long time.”
  • “The price is very reasonable, yet you get to enjoy an authentic hot spring. I feel it offers better value than going to a super sento (large-scale public bath). It’s also easily accessible from central Tokyo, making it a great place to visit casually.”
  • “Unlike a super sento, this place is purely focused on the hot spring experience. It doesn’t have flashy facilities, but if you just want to enjoy high-quality onsen water in a calm atmosphere, this is the place for you.”
  • “There’s a sauna, but it’s not very spacious, so it’s best to focus on enjoying the hot spring itself. The water quality is so good that the combination of the sauna and cold bath feels amazing.”


  • Adults: ¥550
  • Junior High School Students: ¥450
  • Children: ¥200

Review of the Visit

Relaxing Atmosphere:  2 points (out of 5)

Musashi-Koyama Onsen Shimizu-yu is a conveniently located hot spring in a residential area. However, compared to super sentos with wide-open views or a resort-like atmosphere, it is more everyday life extension. Rather than a tourist destination, it feels more like a place for regular visits.


Quality of the Hot Spring: 5 points (out of 5)

This is the key highlight of Musashi-Koyama Onsen Shimizu-yu! The hot spring quality is exceptionally good, making it hard to believe you’re in central Tokyo. Furthermore, you can enjoy two different types of hot springs.

Black Hot Spring: A sodium-rich moor spring sourced from 200 meters underground, offering excellent moisturizing and skin-enhancing effects.

Golden Hot Spring: An iron-rich spring known for improving blood circulation and relieving fatigue. This type of hot spring is extremely rare in Tokyo.


Various Baths Experiences: 2 points (out of 5)

Compared to super sentos, the number of bathtubs is limited, but the variety is still satisfying.

Types of Baths

  • Indoor Bath (Black Hot Spring)
  • Open-Air Bath (Golden Hot Spring)
  • Cold Bath
  • Sauna

However, the bathtubs are relatively small and tend to get crowded.


Facility : 2 points (out of 5)

There is a relaxation space on the second floor, allowing visitors to unwind after a bath. However, re-entry is not allowed, meaning you must pay again if you want to bathe multiple times. The facility is slightly old but remains clean and well-maintained.


Food: 1 points (out of 5)

There is no restaurant inside the facility, so visitors need to eat at nearby restaurants.

Overall Rating: 2.85 points (out of 5)

Musashi-Koyama Onsen Shimizu-yu occupies a unique position between a public bath and a super sento. Its greatest appeal is its accessibility and the ability to enjoy authentic hot springs in the heart of Tokyo. It can be considered part of the same category as Mikoku-yu (Ranked 20th), Tenjin-yu (Ranked 16th), and Sachi-no-Yu (Ranked 2nd), but what makes it stand out is the availability of two different types of hot springs.

As a day-trip onsen, it lacks scenic views and a strong extraordinary feeling, but for those who prioritize high-quality hot spring water, it is highly recommended. If you’re looking for a genuine onsen experience that super sentos can’t offer, this is the perfect spot.


✅ Authentic hot spring experience in Tokyo
✅ High-quality Black Hot Spring and Golden Hot Spring
✅ Easily accessible for a casual day trip


⚠ Small bathtubs, often crowded
⚠ Slightly old facility
⚠ No in-house dining, so meals must be eaten elsewhere

